
The First Nomination Ever | Versatile Blogger Award

This is my first award nomination: VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD. As soon as I received this message from my friend: , I was more than happy to accept this. Also, I would like to thank you for being considerate and valuing my work.


via: The Versatile Blogger Award

The next thing from this award is very demanding and that is to talk me! Even though it’s you who know yourself the best but for me it’s the most difficult task to do so.

7 interesting facts about me

  1. I am an extrovert. Totally open to new people and easy to be friends with!
  2. I am an active reader. I restrained myself from using “avid reader” since this part of me has been lost somewhere lately. Nevertheless, books have a special place in my heart.
  3. On an average, I read 3 books per year, which, I know is pretty less count to mention. If I were writing this in the year 2010-15 I would have told you something like this: On an average, I read 50 books per year.
  4. I get awkward…hell times awkward when receiving any compliments. A few months ago I met an old friend of mine. Though we live in the same town and often cross each other’s path, that day we actually met and talked. Her: ” I like your dress. You look so great!” Me: “Um…Do you want anything?” *AWKWARD YEP AWKWARD*
  5. I wear glasses. This, at times, makes me look way too calm and geeky. Believe me or not, I am a blast and a party person.
  6. I have a rare quality since my childhood when I hardly had learned the alphabets, That is, that I loved writing. Maybe not writing when a kid, it was more of the scribbling stuff than actually writing that I started to do when grown up.
  7. My favorite sports is playing scrabble. Haha, not a sporty person at all! Scrabble still is the best game I know.

Before Nominating anyone, here is some light upon the rules.

The rules for this one are quite simple!

  • Write 7 interesting facts about yourself
  • Nominate 15 amazing bloggers for the award.

I nominate:

Congratulations to all my nominees! Hope this brings up a healthy interactive community build up. Cheers! Happy blogging!

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